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24 Absolutely, Totally True Facts about … Penguins!


Best Suited 4-9 Years
Learn all about penguins in this very factual book … where every fact is true … honestly! Yes, you will learn 24 absolutely, totally true facts about the amazing penguins. Penguins can’t fly, penguins do have excellent hearing, penguins can’t drive Formula 1 race cars or build a scale model of the Eiffel Tower out of matchsticks, it’s all true! Children will learn 15 actual facts about penguins and increase their knowledge due to the fun format. With illustrations by the amazing James Hart, the best learning is done while having fun.

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Learn all about penguins in this very factual book … where every fact is true … honestly! Yes, you will learn 24 absolutely, totally true facts about the amazing penguins. Penguins can’t fly, penguins do have excellent hearing, penguins can’t drive Formula 1 race cars or build a scale model of the Eiffel Tower out of matchsticks, it’s all true! Children will learn 15 actual facts about penguins and increase their knowledge due to the fun format. With illustrations by the amazing James Hart, the best learning is done while having fun.